Tuesday, March 20, 2012

An appeal to all our supporters

To all our supporters,
You have all been fantastic sources of support over the last year, and we offer our heartfelt thanks. We would like to ask that the next time you visit the site, you tell your friends about it, or recommend it on Facebook, Google+, Twitter or any other social networking sites that you may be on. This will greatly increase our viewership, and we certainly would like to end our first year with a bang.

The Autofocus On team

Singapore Airshow 2012 pt.2

All pictures taken at the Singapore Airshow 2012, with my trusty EOS 500D using EF-S 18-55mm and  EF-S 55-250mm lenses 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Photography tips

Hi all,
Autofocus on turns ONE year old this May! To celebrate this special occasion, we will be offering weekly photography tips starting May 15, 2012. We would also like to thank everybody who has supported us over the past year. We hope to have a much better second year!

The Autofocus On team 

Rush Hour